Sunday, May 28, 2017

The Difference Between a Boss and a Leader

     It's pretty safe to say that most of us have the responsibility of being in charge of someone. In many cases you may have the responsibility of overseeing a number of people ranging in size from a few people to other positions that assume the task of leading tens or hundreds, or even thousands of people. Today's question to ponder is this are you bossing those people and getting compliance because of fear or intimidation? Or are you leading those that are following you and being an example of a true "servant" leader?
      Bosses tell people what to do. Servant leaders model what should be done and others eagerly follow. Bosses make the rules and expect others to follow them. Servant leaders feel the pulse of each situation and act accordingly, realizing that this is a multicolored world we live in and people are not black and white and neither are the situations and outcomes that require our attention. Bosses believe they shouldn't have to do the dirty work, while servant leaders eagerly roll up their sleeves and get dirty. Bosses believe there is a difference in them and the people that work for them. Servant Leaders do not see a difference in any one on their team. The role each of us plays is just as important as the next, and the relevance to the success of any team is dependent on everyone on the team and their contribution to the outcome of each task the team assumes responsibility. Bosses deliver orders, while servant leaders seek guidance and deliver instruction, guidance, and hope. A boss is not worried about relationships. A servant leader cares about you and your concerns and makes a committed effort to be available to help.
     Whatever position in life you carry, parent, sibling, staff member, shift manager, supervisor, business manager, or CEO of your own company you are daily faced with decisions and responsibilities that impact people's lives. This week make more of an effort to get more involved in the lives of those you are charged with leading. If you are barking out orders and ultimatums your family, business, organization may be making it, but with more empathy, compassion, and dedication toward those you are leading you will no longer have to "boss" anyone because your team will be following you and your example. If you need an example to model after look no further than our Lord and Savior, "...., whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave— just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Matthew 20:26-28.
This week belongs to you, make it amazing!
Coach Carter

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