Friday, December 23, 2016

Comfort and Assurance in Loss

     Just the other day a dear family in our community, the Gilberts, were faced with the passing of one of it's members. The loss of a loved one is hard anytime, yet around any holiday the memories can be difficult. I can personally relate to this because my family lost our mother at almost the same time of the year in 1985. Although that was over thirty years ago I still miss my mother and have a message of comfort for anyone that has lost a loved one, whether it be recently or if it has been an extended period of time since your loss. On the morning of December 22, 2016 I was going through my morning time of devotion and prayer and my focus was set on those of us that have experienced the pain of losing a loved one. I typically journal my prayers and the following excerpt was a part of that particular day's prayer.
     Dear Father God, 
As I come to you this morning let me first ask you to comfort the Gilbert family. Anytime we lose a loved one whether it be expectantly or completely unexpectedly it is hard. We are devastated by the loss and the thought that we will never see this person that is such an important part of our life again. We may have regrets about things we left unsaid or even possibly something we said and never had the chance to say I'm sorry. We have sorrow for children that will grow up not knowing this person and those of us that did have the opportunity to know this person, but will no longer have them to call upon for friendship, advice, comfort, guidance, or possibly protection in times of need in this hard world we live. Comfort us dear Father God knowing that this person is not so far away, especially not as far away as we may think. The love shared, the lessons taught, the memories made, the foundation that has been set and the example that has been forged are all constant reminders that this beloved person is right here with us. A smile on a child's face, a saying or familiar way of handling a situation, kind words of memories from friends and acquaintances, morals displayed, advice given, lessons taught, or a special way of doing things are all reminders that will stay etched in our memories and our hearts for the rest of our lives. Let us keep those memories real as we pass down the legacy of this one we love so dearly and never let the thought that this part of our family is ever gone. Just as You have promised to never leave us nor forsake us as our Father in Heaven, our loved ones that have passed will remain in our hearts, memories, body, and soul forever. Thank you Father God for the knowledge that our loved ones are right there with us every step along the way. Amen
     Whether you have experienced loss in the past or if you are dealing with loss at this moment never feel like you have "lost" this person from your life. In so many ways that person is right there with you. Place your focus on all the ways this person's legacy is visible in your life. You are that person's legacy, carry it forward and never let it die or be forgotten! "... Never will I leave you nor will I forsake you." Hebrews 13:5
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and a prosperous 2017 to each of you, may God bless you, your family, and your endeavors as we enter the new year! Never give up and never quit and always do your best! 
Coach Carter

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