Sunday, September 25, 2016

Paper Towel Dispensers "Give Me More"

     As I started thinking about the topic for the FTM Thought this week I really had two different topics that kept coming into my thought process, yet one of them continued to surface, so I have come to the conclusion that this must be a direct message for someone out there so here we go!   
     When you visit any restroom best practice is to always wash your hands. In today's automatic dispenser world that practice has become one filled with mechanical assistance designed to eliminate waste and promote healthier conditions to boot. The problem is in most cases one wave of our hands under the magic sensor does not usually produce enough substance to get the job done. I cannot think of many times that I have not waved my hand multiple times for additional soap, water, or paper towels.(In most cases my efforts are justified as it appears the settings on these machines are designed to cut expenses by providing a minimal output.) When we wave our hands under the sensor we are basically saying "I want more". Our society is stuck in this "give me more" mentality as this is the prevalent "modus operandi". Many people are programmed to want more and not be satisfied with what they have. When this is put into a material world context it is usually not a good thing. A bigger house, faster car, bigger toys, more wealth, the list goes on and on you get the picture. But, on the flip side of that there is a way that the paper towel dispenser / "give me more" mentality can be fruitful and beneficial. What if we started thinking "I want more opportunities to help others", or "I want more time to spend with my wife or my children". What if we all started thinking I want more faith, more seeds to sow, more positive messages to share with others, or more love to give in all areas of our lives? 
     What would happen if each time we were standing at a sink in a restroom and as we were waving our hands under the automatic dispenser of whatever we gave a thought to what we want more of that will help someone else and not just ourselves. I believe it's worth a try, how about the next time you're waving your hand under that sensor for some of that foamy soap, or waiting for the warm water to activate, or maybe just seeking an additional piece of paper towel to fully dry your hands you gave just a moment of thought to what you truly want more of to help others more than yourself. More positive messages, more knowledge, patience, endurance, hope, faith, charity, or even peace. Then as you begin to gather your thoughts and channel them into a focus, start looking for ways to make your thoughts become reality. Read more, listen to positive messages more, find positive people to support you in your efforts more, pray more, and place more trust in our Father and less on man. 
     If you truly want "more" it takes effort. You can stand in front of that paper towel dispenser and nothing will happen until you wave your hand in the correct location on the dispenser. You can stand there and wish more paper towels would dispense, or you can possibly stand around long enough until someone else comes up and does it for you, or you might even give up and walk out of the restroom with wet hands and dry them on your pants leg, but if you want more you have to put that want into action. As for me I want the whole roll of towels! I want more chances to help others gain hope, I want more opportunities to serve God through my service to man. I want more of Him and less of me. John 3:30 states "He must become greater, and I must become less". Our lives should be fixed on it being more about Him working in us, than it is about us working for Him. Ask, seek, knock or in this case wave your hand under the sensor and you will receive! Have a great week, pray for me, and pray for more!
Coach Carter

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